Tuesday 25 September 2012

noise pollution

Our team made a complete study on the curses and effects of noise pollution .Noise may be a particularly unpleasant sound or just a sound in the wrong place at the wrong time. A sound that is pleasant to one person may be noise to another. It depends on the circumstances. Music may be a noise to a person who is disturbed by it because they are trying to sleep, study for an exam, and if it does not suit their taste in music.
We found that noise pollution effects the human health very much and we can do small thing to curb noise pollution in our house and place of work .

Methods selected by us to combat the noise pollution
1)Planting of tress
2)By using sound proofing materials in factories and on machine to
reduce noise pollution
3)Room within a room

ozone layer depletion

our team studied about the depletion of ozone layer and its consequences on climate change and further effect .
ozone layer depletion can be stooped by following some common rules as follow ( remember these and follow it ):
• Don't buy or use portable fire extinguishers that contain halons.
• Reduce the use of heating and air-conditioning.
• Buy energy saving gadgets and bulbs. You will reduce lev

els of pollution and money.
• Make sure that old refrigerators and air conditioners are disposed of safely by giving them to a recycling yard. Take care not to damage the cooling circuit which contains the ODS;
• Ensure technicians repairing your refrigerator or air conditioner recover and recycle the old ODS so they are not released into the atmosphere;
• When renovating your house, make sure that old insulation foams containing ODS are disposed of as environmentally hazardous waste;
• Inform yourself about ozone depletion through further reading, and suggest activities at your children's school to increase awareness of the problem and initiate local action

open burning of waste

our team made posters on open burning of waste and pasted it at different places in the campus to make the students aware about the harmfull effects of open burning .these postars were made to make clean air a priority .The burning of leaves and brush, other vegetation, as well as backyard trash burning, results in smoke. Smoke is caused by incomplete combustion. Smoke contains a number of hazardous air pollutants. Some of the components of smoke can cause cancer as well as other adverse health effects

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Energy Campaigns

Our team studied about the different energy campaign held in last decade and how their idea can be implemented today .
In our we studied about campaign started by Tata Power’s in which they involved the local people and school students and made them aware about ways to conserve energy for sustainable development .
This Campaign sensitises seven lakh citizens in Mumbai, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Belgaum,Kolkata, Bengaluru, Jamshedpur, Lonavla and Pune.
Speaking on the achievement, Pra
sad Menon, managing director, Tata Power, said,
“This achievement is a proud moment for us. We are committed towards creating a
cleaner and emission-free environment. We strongly believe that the Tata Power Energy
Club will play an important role through these young harbingers who have proved
themselves as strong influencers in conserving our environment and saving energy.
With their overwhelming support, we are very close to achieving our milestone target of
one million by this year.”

Team Revolution


Our team made a study on natural gas, a fossil fuel comprised mostly of methane, which is one of the cleanest burning alternative fuels. It can be used in the form of compressed natural gas (CNG) or liquefied natural gas (LNG) to fuel cars and trucks.

CNG or Compressed Natural Gas is also called Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). It is the cleanest transportation fuel available today. It is the most feasible alternatives to traditional fuel such as petrol. CNG is very low in pollu
tants, high in heat yield and calorific value and most economical. In India, it is abundantly present and can significantly reduce our dependency on foreign energy sources while improving air quality.
We made a comparative study on the vehicles running on natural gas and conventional fuel and found that using natural  gas can cut down our carbon footprint and can also help us to make our pollution free.

Friday 14 September 2012

Critically Endangered animal Species of India

 Our team has studied the data provided by government of India on "Critically Endangered
animal Species of India " and found that more than 50 species are on the verge of extinction due to the lack of efforts made by our government agencies .
Data studied by us shows that the tigers which is the pride of India, now are left very few in our forest  due to excessive killing and poaching .
The matter is so serious about tigers, is that the Indian government is now planning  to spend more than 50 lakh dollars to bring 18 tigers from Africa.  If this much money would have  been  used to save them , there would no need to this thing .

Critically endangered is the highest risk category assigned by the IUCN (International  Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List to wild species. There are five quantitative criteria to determine whether a taxon is threatened. A taxon is critically endangered when the best availabile evidence indicates that it meets any of the following criteria:
I. Populations have declined or will decrease, by greater than 80% over the last 10 years
or three generations.
II. Have a restricted geographical range.
III. Small population size of less than 250 individuals and continuing decline at 25% in 3
years or one generation.
IV. Very small or restricted population of fewer than 50 mature individuals.
V. High probability of extinction in the wild.

some of the endangered species are :
The big cats (Tigers ), Elephants ,Rhinoceroses ,Tibetan Antelope,Forest Owlet,Bengal Florican,
The Himalayan Quail,Gharial, Leatherback Turtle etc.

Lets go green to get our globe clean ..........

The team have made a Facebook page " http://www.facebook.com/Team.TGCC.NITJ?ref=hl# " to create awareness among the people and the students about the threats and ways to conserve and preserve our beautiful .
It is an initiative taken by the collage students to make the campus clean and green by doing small small things and by making the other people aware of the same .Protecting the environment is essential for our planet.
However, despite substantial progress, we must clearly recognize that at international level there’s still no consensus about how to protect the environment, with differences in approach between industrialized countries and also a deep divide between them and the developing countries.
we request all the students of different campus to join this initiative and make it happen on larger scale ..


This the blog of the Team participating in the " Techfest Green Campus Challenge  " representing the      " Dr. B .R Ambedkar National Institute Of Technology , jalandhar ".